First I want to say thank you for wanting to know more about the gospel. I want to personally welcome you to my website and express my gratitude that you are here. First I will give a brief explanation of the gospel, after-which I will give Scriptural references that are vital to understating it.

The gospel is the greatest news the world has ever been give and will ever receive. It is the news of salvation and life eternal. In order for news to be good you must understand your bad condition first. What do I mean by bad condition? Scripture tells us every person who has ever or will ever be born is born in the condition of being an enemy of God. The very God who spoke our world into existence, who holds your life in His hand, giving you every breath you have ever breathed . . . you were born His enemy. A state of hopelessness. A state of despair in which there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to be made righteous in His sight. It is unattainable to please God by doing good or trying to be pleasing to Him. Sounds impossible right? That is the point. It is impossible on your own. You need a Savior, and thanks be to God, a Savior came. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, being God Himself, the second member of the Trinity. He took on the nature of man, was born into this world by the Virgin Mary. He lived a perfect and sinless life, being the federal head of all who would believe in Him. In other words, He lived a life pleasing to God in your place if you believe. But a perfect life doesn't pay for your sins. Scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death. The justice of God never dissipates, it must be poured out in order to be perfectly just . . . and it was poured out, it was poured on His one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus went to the cross that you should have went to. He was a substitute for you, and God poured out His wrath upon Jesus in order for your sins to be paid for. Jesus died a death that you will die if you do not believe. The wrath of God will be poured out upon all those who are not covered by the blood of Christ. His blood was shed for you so that when God looks upon you, and you are in Christ, you are looked at as being righteous. Your sins were placed upon Christ when He was on the cross. When you believe, He places His holiness and righteousness upon you. And if that weren't enough, your forgiveness is eternal. When you are His He will hold tightly to you and you are secure in His grasp for all of eternity. If that weren't enough, He adopts you into His eternal family . . . as His own children. For those who don't believe, God's wrath will be poured out upon them for all of eternity in a place called hell. And there lies your mission. If you believe, repent. If you repent, then warn all of those who will listen to you. This isn't a game. This isn't fantasy. This is life or death for all of eternity. Repent and believe then go, that is your mission, go tell everyone about the God who died to save you.

In Christ

Michael Huskey

Romans 10:9-14 John 3:16 Ephesians 2:28-9. John 14:6. 1 John 4:9-10. John 8:24. Romans 6:23