R.C. Sproul once said "Truth is too important to kill in the streets for the sake of peace." Those words constantly ring in my head and help propel me into deeper study of God's amazing Word and theological study that helps me to love Him in a greater way.
I am a former S.W.A.T. officer that God saved and called into ministry. I am a paster's kid, born into a home that was focused on God and church. Much of that focus, however, was misplaced, as our home fell more into a legalistic mindset. Truth became obscured to me as I grew older and began to see inconstancies between what I had been taught as a child and what I read in the Scriptures. When I married my wife, Nikki, we set out on a quest to find a solid biblical church, yet we really wasn't sure what that looked like, though we thought we did at the time. It was at a bible study that God gripped my heart, during an exegetical study through the book of Matthew. For the first time in my life I became hungry and very driven for the Word of God, and to begin untangling many of my preconceived ideas of God. I actually believe that was the time of my new birth, as prior to that moment, looking back now, there was no fruit in my life, only vanity of a legalistic, works based clawing from the deepest whole. God has taken me and my family through many things, many trials, yet not in vanity, but revealing Himself and His sovereignty along the way. I began to write in order to help me understand Scripture in a greater way. I discovered that friends benefited from some of my work, which lead me into sharpening my skill set to the best of the ability God has given me. From there, I have been given the privilege to be able to teach the body of Christ. Now I have been called into preaching, which is both exciting as well as terrifying as I wrestle with the seriousness and responsibility of teaching the bride of Christ. Most of my written work is focused on theological and exegetical materials that focus on greater knowledge, wisdom, discernment, and training both laity as well as leadership. I hope and pray that God may use me to help you in some way.
In Christ and for Christ
Michael Huskey